
Post Occupancy Evaluation is the architectural process for documenting stakeholders’ reports about ways that building features and qualities support their work and well-being in various conditions.

Recommendations are generated for building solutions and ways of using them to improve work and well-being. These recommendations can be applicable to the subject buildings and/or future buildings. The recommendations are based on stakeholders’ testable observations about building use.

All types of built environments of any age can be examined using the Post Occupancy Evaluation process. Outdoor areas in the vicinity of the subject buildings are routinely included in the evaluations.

Post Occupancy Evaluation is used at various stages in the Building Life Cycle:

  1. Informing the planning and design of proposed buildings, by evaluating best/similar existing buildings
  2. Evaluating new buildings in their first few years of use. Typically, these are for fine-tuning the subject building and informing design of proposed buildings
  3. Evaluating buildings to inform planning and design of proposed alterations and additions

Stakeholders, involved in the evaluations are those with interests in their buildings; typically:

  • Employees working in the buildings and managers responsible for them
  • People who visit buildings to receive goods or services (clients, visitors, customers, shoppers, students, prisoners, patients, tenants)
  • Project people, who planned, designed, built the building (property manager, architect, engineers, builder)
  • Maintenance people (cleaners, tradespeople, caretakers, facility managers, technicians)

Email: chris@postoccupancyevaluation.com